Saturday, June 24, 2006

the demon came back

Well I was following up the young lady who had been set free from a demon in the office here in Skopje (see earlier post) and it appears that the demon has returned to re-take his territory. I was talking with Pastor Venso who had been part of a great healing campaign here in Macedonia the last few weeks, where many were healed and he told me on our trip back to Kochani that unfortunately that the young girl in question had started to pass out again and speak with the voice of this demon.

It seems that we have seen a literal fulfillment of Luke 11: 24-26. I do not know if this lady has had seven more demons more wicked than the original one come into her, but the original one certainly has. This girl had her spiritual house swept clean and put in order, but she did not take the most important step of installing a new Lord! Consequently, there was no way to defend again the demonic spirit that returned to her.

This lesson I evidently need to learn and relearn all my life, Christ alone must be the goal of my life. Getting rid of stuff and nastiness is a lesser part of freedom. Establishing Christ as the center is the real goal, and anything less is insufficient. Pray for me that I will keep Christ the capstone of my life.

1 comment:

Beth said...

That is heartbreaking. I will pray for her. Thanks for mentioning about Pastor Venso and the wonderful ways he is being used. I thank God for him.